Bioclimatism aims to utilise favourable climatic elements, throough architecture, with the an aim to satisfying demand for thermal comfort. It is therefore necessary to understand and to manage environmental conditions for the buildings and surrounding areas. A study of environmental conditions is fundamental as appropriate designs will be based on the information obtained. One shoulld bear in mind that climate can generate wellbeing to those ccupying a particular space, so it is imperative that a thermic balance be reached.
Bioclimatism aims to utilise favourable climatic elements, throough architecture, with the an aim to satisfying demand for thermal comfort. It is therefore necessary to understand and to manage environmental conditions for the buildings and surrounding areas. A study of environmental conditions is fundamental as appropriate designs will be based on the information obtained. One shoulld bear in mind that climate can generate wellbeing to those ccupying a particular space, so it is imperative that a thermic balance be reached.
It is possible to achieve thermic control in a home or building through the use of energy. Energy consumption increases in more developed countries as well as in the colder parts of the planet. In time, convential forms of energy will increase in value or will become scarce. This is why it is important to create an awareness of energy consumption in the habitat. Professionals will have to consider: using unconventional and alternative sources of energy, such as solar energy, eolic energy and others; new building morphology that will make better use of natural resources such as wind in order to generate, for instance, selective ventilation; and, lastly, a careful and informed selection of the building materials to be used. All of these considerations are essential to achieving proper thermic usage.
It is the first stage of an environmental design project. During this stage, methereological data such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind, etc. will be gathered The information is based on readings obtained over a decade from tables that use the national metheorological service as its source. The information contained is very varied and corresponds to each air station, and includes latitude, longtitude and height of the area. Other readings include:
- Temperatura: Se mide con un termómetro de bulbo seco.
- Absolute maximum temperature: This is the highest temperature registered during the decade. The readings are taken monthly.
- Temperatura máxima: Es el promedio de las temperaturas máximas de todos los días del mes, registrada durante una década.
- Average temperature: Also known as dry bulb thermometer temperature, it is the average temperature for each month.
- Absolute minimum temperature: This is the lowest temperature registered during the decade. The readings are taken monthly.
- Minimum temperature: An average of registered minimum daily temperatures registered during a decade.
- Average monthly temperature variation: Not found in the above mentioned tables, it can be deduced from the difference between minimum and maximum monthly temperatures.
- Absolute temperature variation: Not found in the above mentioned tables, it may be deduced from the difference between annual minimum and maximum absolute temperatures.
- Humidity: This influences the feeling of thermal wellbeing, but the most convenient way of indicating the amount of water vapour in the air is measuring relative humidity.
- Relative heliophany: Measured as a percentage, it registers the hours of direct sunlight as a proportion of maximum possible hours, depending on month and latitude.
- Cloud: Measured in eighths, it represents the proportion of the celestial dome that is overcast.
- Wind: Provides data on frequencies and speeds corresponding to each cardinal point. The wind data is crucial to the utilization of aeolic energy or merely to project an area where selective ventilation will be used. Selective ventilation means passing an air mass over a chosen area, in order to obtain ventilation over a workspace or to renew the air supply. It is obtained by designing a wooden structure and, obviously, with a correct location of the building site.
- Se entiende por ventilación selectiva, hacer pasar una masa de aire por un espacio preestablecido con el fin de obtener ventilación sobre un plano de trabajo o bien obtener renovación de aire. Se la logra por medio de un diseño en las carpinterías y por supuesto con una correcta ubicación del espacio a construir.
The bioenvironmental areas for the Argentine Republic are classified according to IRAM11603, into 6 areas:
- Zone I = Very hot
- Zone II = Hot
- Zone III = Temperate hot
- Zone IV = Temperate cold
- Zone V = Cold
- Zone VI = Very cold.